
Dunbar News is aimed at informing readers about events and issues in Dunbar and in the broader city of Vancouver. As a retired but by no means reformed journalist, it’s my small attempt to shine a light on our rapidly changing neighbourhood and city at a time when traditional local news coverage has virtually disappeared.

Alberta-born, I came to Vancouver in 1973 after receiving a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Carleton University in 1971 and working as a reporter for the Edmonton Journal. In Vancouver, I spent nearly four decades at The Vancouver Sun, first as a reporter with beats such as education, labour and City Hall, then as an editor. After retiring in 2013, I earned a Master’s in Liberal Studies at SFU in 2020, then became interested in civic politics. In 2021, I helped form a new civic party, TEAM for a Livable Vancouver, based on the principle that residents should have a say in what happens in their communities. In 2022, I became editor of the Dunbar Residents’ Association Newsletter, and in the fall of 2024 joined the DRA board as second vice-president.

I have lived in Dunbar in an unrenovated 1930s’ cottage in the midst of my own personal forest since the mid-1970s.

My lifetime partner John Denniston, an award-winning news photographer who spent most of his career with The Province newspaper, will supply the photographs for this site except where otherwise noted.

Nothing on this site reflects the opinions or positions of the Dunbar Residents’ Association or TEAM for a Livable Vancouver, despite my continuing volunteer work with these organizations.

Carol Volkart, Nov. 24, 2024